Transport for Wedding

To the Church

From your accommodation to church

To reach the ceremony at “Parrocchia San Leonardo” church, you can either drive by rental car, walk (if your accommodation is nearby), or take a taxi. Please note that taxi’s must be booked in advance. Below are the contact numbers for taxi bookings:

  • Daniele Bianchi 0039 3935788890
  • Fabrizio 0039 335 5888376
  • Franco 0039 333 9059662
  • Taxi company 0039 0341 364490
  • Radiotaxi 0039 03411606 (InTaxi app as well)

To the Reception

From church to reception venue

From the church  “Parrocchia San Leonardo” to the reception venue “La Madonnina” we have organized buses to transport all guests.

Going home

From reception venue to accomodation

From the reception venue “Tenuta la madonnina di Barni” we have organized buses to Malgrate center and other main locations and hotels.

Thank You

For Being With Us